Lending a hand
for a brighter day

Addressing the needs of children impacted by abuse, addiction, and homelessness, as well as supporting young carers.

Star guardian shielding someone from the rain with an umbrella

Grant Funding Schemes

We fund charities to deliver projects of all shapes and sizes. For example, a charity might apply for funding to take a group of young carers on a day trip, another will look to fund a counselling service for children and young people surviving sexual assault or domestic violence. All of our programmes look to support young people experiencing challenges related to our funding priorities. We will always look to promote happiness and a feeling of safety amongst the children the charities look after – reminding them that they are cared for and not alone.

Opens July

This programme was initially launched as a response to the Covid 19 pandemic. Here, we fund charities to purchase educational or recreational items (such as books, wellbeing journals, stress packs, arts and crafts for creative play therapy etc) which will help young people reduce stress and feel happier and more secure. Our Shine Bright programme differs from the other programmes because it provides funds for specific ‘things’ rather than a project. This year, our Shine Bright programme wishes to focus on alleviating the difficulties faced by children and young people due to the cost of living crisis.

Opens July

We offer small grants to safeguarding professionals (such as social workers, lawyers, school outreach officers) representing a young person in the care or legal system who is in need of some extra help. Our grants will pay for an activity or item the young person needs to further their potential or opportunities when other routes of funding are not available. This young person will either be a survivor of abuse, a young carer, living with addiction or be at risk of, or currently. homeless.

Apply now

This fund is slightly different to our other programmes. We offer grants of up to £1,500.00 to charities across the calendar year aligned to the awareness days below. A maximum of three charities will be shortlisted for each award, with the7stars agency team members voting on which charity will be awarded.

Apply now
Thanks to the7stars foundation, we immediately paid for a pizza night at one of our safe houses (for those who have escaped modern slavery), which was so greatly received. As you can imagine, these women and children have nothing; they have finally escaped their abusers, but many have no means of income. Money is sparse and the families could never afford a treat such as this.

Spread Some Sunshine

Case Studies

A helping hand

A mother and her children were housed following domestic abuse, yet the accommodation is miles from the primary school the…

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Extra tuition

Young carers look after a loved one, and for most, childhood is pressured, stressful and loaded with responsibility. Many young…

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Fulfiling Potential

Developing social, educational and life skills through workshops provision.

Read Case Study

Just some of the charities we
are proud to have supported…